Tag Archives: Easter

Bicycling in the country, great way to spend Easter Sunday

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Nothing like a bit of nature to help you get your head together. I spent a couple of hours bicycling in the countryside outside Elgin, Texas and except for the sore muscles and sore tail, it was a very pleasant way to spend Easter Sunday.

Not that it was all that “natural.” I saw transmission power lines and a gravel pit, was passed by the occasional car or truck and could just hear traffic whizzing by on U.S. 290. Got chased by a few dogs. But I saw some gorgeous wildflowers andĀ could hear the birds, including a woodpecker tapping away. And best of all, I could hear myself think.

I’m still out of shape – living in the Sausage Capital of Texas for two years hasn’t helped my waistline – but I’m working on it. I love riding, though I am not and never have been “competitive.” I still enjoy it, exhausted as I may be. Riding downhill almost makes struggling uphill worth it. Dat breeze.

I didn’t find a good song for Easter this year (Here’s what I posted in 2010, in 2011, and here’s a Good Friday song by Fairouz you must hear if you never have), so I’ll leave you with this:

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Filed under but I digress

Easter music from Lebanon, Malawi & USA

Hanging around the house, not being at church on Easter Sunday, I figured the least I could do is dig up some Easter music and I did find some good stuff. I think it’s interesting to hear the way people express the same theme in different parts of the world.


Filed under gospel, music, Uncategorized

‘Easter’ by Patti Smith

Just in case you’re tired of songs about the Easter Bunny…


Filed under music

Good Friday hymn ‘Wa Habibi’

I should’ve posted this yesterday, but just now thought of it. It’s a Good Friday hymn sung by Lebanese singer Fairouz. I love her voice.


Filed under music, world music